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History of RMU Library

The first library was established in 1960 when the then Nautical College was relocated from the Flag Staff House to Nungua beach near the Mukwe lagoon. It was housed in the Administration building close to the sea. That very spot is where the Anchorage building now sits. In 1971 the library was relocated due to the sea erosion.

In 1983 the library’s name was changed to Regional Maritime Academy Library following the regionalization of the college. Again, in 2007, the Academy library metamorphosed into Regional Maritime University library after the Academy became a fully fledged university by receiving a presidential charter in that year.

The collection of the library is built to meet the teaching, learning and research needs of both faculty and students of the university. The collection is organized using the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. 


The main function of the library is to support the teaching, learning and research pursuits of the university. It is therefore the pivot around which academic life of RMU revolves. To enable it play its proper role, books, journals, e-resources and other reading materials are carefully selected  with the aid of academic departments in order to provide an effective and efficient library services for the University community.